Saturday, November 28, 2009

Last year's tree... 12+ feet!

I'm not a photographer, but I sure love taking pictures of our noble Christmas tree.  Every year our tree is so beautiful... 

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Chrissiegrace's blog

I just found this blog tonight.  She is so uniquely creative...  My father did mosaics- she's inspired me to photograph them and post them...

Talking to myself...

It's true!  I have no followers, no one to read my tentative steps at blogging.  Yes, that's right, I'm a baby blogger.  I feel prompted to blog, however, as if it will help me reconnect with my life... to be 'present' in the present and record events from my family, classroom, family history and faith.  A lot will be focused on projects that I do with my class, because I feel the need to create again (it's been over a decade...) and my 21 students give me an excuse!  How lucky am I?  

Time for bed.  Goodnight, me. 

Sunday, November 8, 2009



An amazing video about how we all have the need to create...